Professor Wurzel's WURZELMANIA! - September 2021

This month's website release includes copies of many Wurzel and Adge Cutler gig programmes. These are generally pretty rare but one in particular which can be seen on the website this month is rare if not unique

 To read all the programmes in this month's Wurzelmania! website update click here

At the end of 1967 Adge Cutler & The Wurzels embarked on a two month 'Scrumpy & Western' tour and took with them a few supporting bands - and most interestingly they took the Alligator Jug Thumpers along with them. Ever heard of them? Possibly not - but by a strange quirk of fate they ALMOST became Adge's first 'Wurzels' . It was all a matter of timing and history could have been so much different!...........

In the spring of 1966 Adge Cutler was doing the rounds at various clubs and TV stations as a solo performer belting out his own songs. During a chat with Cliff Brown, who had been a drummer in Acker Bilk's Chew Valley Jazz Band (but also played jug, percussion and the legendary ballcockaphone!) Adge mentioned he was looking to put together a backing group to join him on stage: Cliff understood this as an invitation to form the group and went away and did so - and gathered together Quentin Williams (also from that jazz band) and Barry Black (a sound recordist from BBC West who played guitar and kazoo!).

The Wurzels Archives

At their next encounter the misunderstanding was soon realised - Adge had just met up with John Miles and already gathered his group of 'Wurzels together'!

Adge's career very soon took off and, understanding and generous, he offered Cliff, Barry and Quentin the closing spot on the first half of his concerts. A new name was needed and Cliff came up with the Alligator Jug Thumpers'.. They supported Adge throughout 1967 and 1968 in his 'Scrumpy & Western' shows and became a good band in their own right........ 

So this rare programme - featuring the band that were so close to being the original 'Wurzels' - is also quite possibly unique in that the centre page (shown below) is not only autographed by both Adge and all his Wurzels - Reg Chant, Reg Quantrill and John Macey - but also the supporting acts including all the 'Alligator Jug Band' members - Cliff Brown, Barry Black and Quentin Williams - 'The Wurzels' that were never to be.